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Uveitis/ Eye Inflammation

What are uveitis and eye inflammation? Uveitis occurs when the middle layer of the eyeball gets inflamed (red and swollen). This layer, called the uvea, has many blood vessels that nourish the eye. Uveitis can damage vital eye tissue, leading to permanent vision loss. Eye inflammation can occur due to an infection or chronic disease,…

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Retina Eye Services

Retina Eye Services Macular Degeneration Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common eye disease associated with aging that gradually damages central vision making fine details at distance and up close difficult. Because side vision remains good, macular degeneration doesn’t cause total blindness. The Progression of AMD can be slow or rapid, but the deterioration of…

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Glaucoma is characterized by optic nerve damage and visual field loss. Typically it involves increased pressure inside the eye that affects the delicate tissues of the optic nerve. There are many diagnostic aids that help in the diagnosis and care of this disease. Treatment for glaucoma will vary according to individual patients and includes both…

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Cataract Surgery

One of ORA Vision’s specialties is restoring sight to people whose eyesight has been impaired by cataracts. Our techniques meet or exceed standards of excellence and have attracted patients from across the state of Georgia. Dr. Patel employs state of the art equipment in a comfortable and convenient location. Her team is experienced, caring and…

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